2023-24 YCDSB Budget Survey

The York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) is committed to the effective and efficient management of resources. Our goal is to ensure fiscal accountability while minimizing impacts on our classrooms and continuing to support student success and well-being in a Catholic learning environment. 

To better inform our financial planning, we hope you will  tell us your priorities for the 2023-2024 school year budget.

As we plan for the 2023-2024 school year budget, YCDSB remains committed to providing quality Catholic education for our students and would like to hear what is important to you as we begin the budget development process.  

In addition, the Board is seeking suggestions for further investment in programs and resources that will promote equitable experiences and outcomes for our students.  

Tell us what you think by submitting the budget survey before March 31, 2023.

A similar message will also be shared with all York Catholic families on our Board website and Twitter and Instagram accounts. You may also see an ad on the YorkRegion.com news website. 

While we may not be able to accommodate all suggestions for the Board’s budget, feedback will guide and inform decisions in support of the Board’s strategic commitments in our Multi-Year Strategic Plan

  • Integration of Our Catholic Faith
  • Continuous Improvement of Student Achievement
  • Effective Use of Our Resources
  • Engaging Our Communities

We hope you will share your voice!